Monday 12 May 2003

The Last NPD mile: Innovation Interventionists errors & how to mitigate them.

In a recent Creativity and Innovation Management article we see the details of
The Last Stage of Product Development -  Interventions in Existing Operational Processes the mechanism of how to mitigate the interventionist push and alternative methods to smoothly transition between the stress of NPD push inititaves inside an organizaiotn and market uptake during new product initiatives. Simply: empathy for constant change – the anthesis of the wait and see what’s coming model of most firms.

Saturday 12 April 2003

101 samples proves: innovation is mangled by typical large co micromanaging

See too much measurement inside your organization? Find too much analysis and meetings re: what color are the absolute optimal before the product is even tried by customers? Empirical Evidence for the Necessity of a Balance  Management in Promoting Organizational Innovativeness details the optimal model for inter and intra organizational management structures as a function of innovsation development. Simply keep it lean, and here’s how to measure how lean you are.

Wednesday 12 March 2003

Want more creativity & ROI? 6 ways Hi-Tech firms make that happen.

It is often a daunting series of efforts to promote the development of a truly creative organization and Creativity and Work Environment in a High-Tech Context give the details of how this is done with a 6 phase approach to the organizational effects of creating and fostering creativity inside high tech organizations.

Saturday 15 February 2003

How do patents by grants determine NPD effectiveness? Here’s how.

When is the value of Patents and patenting strategies an effect mechanism for geographic influence in a firms capability to protect intellectual property? A potential mecahinsm for determing value of products is the granting process as a signal of a products effectiveness for consultion, uptake and fuding. The Value of Patents and Patenting Strategies - Countries & Tech Geographic Patterns further describe this, and if you have the time, it’s usually free money.

Wednesday 12 February 2003

Want serious innovation: Competence and Organization determine it all.

Never has Schumpeter been more correctly analyized than in Competence and Organization -  Two Drivers of Innovation via the models for organizational structure when properly integrated with flexibility, reactivity, risk-taking, internal communication and the establishing of a strategy, the significance of the company size decreases by half and innovation and NPD efforts go through the roof. Now turning that into ROI, that’s a whole different effort.

Thursday 5 December 2002

Multiple R&D efforts? Multiple sales teams? Vertical cooperation increased innovation.

The mechanism as described in The Impact Of Vertical R&D Cooperation On Firm Innovation - An Empirical Investigation BY Innovation Type Demand   details the Informal modes of R&D cooperation (informal exchange of technological knowledge) seem to be more significant for their innovation behavior than formal ones (joint ventures, joint development teams etc.).mechanisms

Tuesday 5 November 2002

How does R&D spill over to effect entire ecosystems and NPD efforts? Here’s how.

How and why are some countries able to capitalize on technology R&D and others not? Ecsystems both internal and external to the organization. How does R& D spill over to effect entire ecosystems details how some countries are ready to absorb new ideas, new technologies, new products (South-East Asia) and others were preoccupied by preservation of old regime (Eastern Europe). The former countries experience today a tremendous growth. Here’s how they are doing it.

Monday 7 October 2002

Want New economic sectors of product lines to blossom? There are policy implications.

What the effort of any new product development effort, there are mechanisms for implementation that beat others, and A New Typology for Economic Sectors with a view to Policy Implications gets to the meat of this in the way they organize companies and countires.

Thursday 5 September 2002

Have a small firm? Have a large firm? Size doesn’t matter to Innovation success.

In Spanish manufacturing The Relationship Between Firm Size And Innovation Activity - A Double Decision Approach And An Application To Spanish Manufacturing Firms we see how firm size is a factor and in particular in the manufacturing mechanism for new product development. Want to know more? Here’s how.

Monday 12 August 2002

When is it best to license for innovation? It’s simpler than you think.

When mitigating the mechanisms for innovation vs. product launch, IP is the king and COST REDUCTION, LICENSING AND INCENTIVE TO INNOVATE details another possible way to bring internal  R&D to ROI fuition ASAP.

Friday 12 July 2002

Product and Service Systems. It isn’t just one for market dominance.

So there is a desire to launch a full new effort. Is it a product? Is it a service? Does it have both? It should for dominance. Designing Product/Service Systems: A Methodological Exploration gives the full explanation of how these systems are the corner stone to the making of superstar companies.

Sunday 2 June 2002

Usign The Innovation Compass & finding your bearings.

In the development of the systems to determine your NPD and breakthrough capability it isn’t just strength that lets you know if your efforts will produce market dominance and magnetic company interest, however Innovation Compass: A Self-audit Tool for the NPD Process gives the tools to determine if you are cpable, what you are lacking and what you need to do to make it the last mile.

Wednesday 1 May 2002

Snowboarding for Innovation – where a breakthrough happened.

How many times did your grandparents see snowboards when they were children? Never. Now a billion dollar a year business Product Development and Changing Cultural Landscapes— Is Our Future in Snowboarding gives the full breakdown of how a new industry has changed the way we take our ski holidays, how we look at sport, clothes, accessories and even lifestyles. Is that an innovation? 2 ski’s to 1? Check the bank accounts of those manufacturing and prodfuct design firms that did it.