Wednesday 12 May 2004

Want mature firm innovations? Justifying R&D ROI has it’s challenges there.

How are project conceived, and more R&D justified to CFO’s? Financing R&D in mature companies - An empirical analysis is that detail. Models shown and techniques used to communicate as well as analyize and finaically model create the framework for the toolset necessary. More a clear path to R&D for IP protection is discussed and mitigated against the “get it to market” only model.

Monday 19 April 2004

Innovation and coordination - not much different than the artist/creator model

When management, vertical integration and advertising are put in place it might seem that innovation is the lost. In fact it often is. In Innovation and coordination - A schutzian perspective we see a system of mechanistic models stifiling the creative process however monetizing and tracking all of the necessary steps to provide “safety” in launch. What to do, or what not to do, the architecture is clear and determines your firms typology. Where do you stand? It’s how your firm sings their own innovation song. 

Saturday 27 March 2004

Firm #’s in your sector shrinking? Why? R&D density. Start innovating!

What is R&D density and why is it important to your survival? The inverse of average firm sales or simply the number of firms divided by industry sales determines sectors with high R&D intensity are sectors with future forward competitive environments requiring intense focus and investment to enter. And how to break in. Here’s how via a simple theory and evidence on the determinants of firm R&D

Thursday 12 February 2004

R&D apple seeds to hot apple pie ROI

The national science foundation is the precursor to breakthrough innovations. When does funding research by smaller firms bear fruit - Evidence from SBIR programs gives the detailed systems on how to review and invest in the emerging.

Friday 23 January 2004

Offices & staff in far off places? Can you literally listen for creativeity? Yes

Models for decentralized innovation parsing is a mechanism for not missing weak signals for R&D investment, new client possibilities or breakthrough products. But can you do it from within an organization? Yes by using Insourcing Creativity with Listening Posts in Decentralized Firms by utilizing 3 types of determinants to listen inside an organization:  trend scout, technology outpost and matchmaker.

Monday 15 December 2003

Better ROI for R&D Internal vs. external R&D? Here’s how.

When German manufacturing meets western new new product development activies, creative productivity can get stifled but not when there is a balance between intenal and external innovation and R&D activities. Only hiring internatl R&D teams? Only hiring external teams? Home company worker performance is effected. Here’s how to mitigate thoese factort to fully increase firm wide productivity with Better ROI for R&D Internal vs. external R&D

Wednesday 19 November 2003

NPD Rollout with forced Multiple country manufacturing? Customization is the key!

How is it that one product gets to market faster than another and because production is in multiple countries? Coordiantion due to the timing of differences in manufacturing capabilities across multiple countires. How can you mitigate this? Customization of Product Technology and International New Product Success: Mediating Effects of New Product Development and Rollout Timeliness

Sunday 5 October 2003

Industrial New Product Launch Strategies and Product Development Performance

Previously it used to be simply how many do we make? Forgetting what to launch, where to launch, when to launch and why to launch are the keys to product success with timing being the most important. Industrial New Product Launch Strategies and Product Development Performance gives the mechanism on how to achieve this focus for NPD effectiveness inside your firm.

Friday 5 September 2003

Innovate or Die - Is that a Fact? Yes with the proper foundation. Time.

Mechanism for incremental NPD efforts is the assumption that the NPD efforts are based on Now and not a the time honored R&D model of investigavige exploration. With Innovate or Die - Is that a Fact? we see that skipping over the foundations of managing spontaneous ideas causes penthouses built on moving sand where as creating a long term innovation and R&D pipeline is the path to sustained market dominance.

Tuesday 12 August 2003

Coping with Chaos in Change Processes? Here’s how.

Three models to embrace chaos and base their change practice are discussed via enlightened modern, an ironic, and a postmodern mechanism for dealing with NPD and innovation situations of Coping with Chaos in Change Processes described as a professional identity towards a path to launching the unknown. Want to get your head around your own head and that of your team. Here's how.

Wednesday 9 July 2003

Is your firm in Circular Chaos? Or Linear Logic? The sweet spot: Creative NPD.

From Cougar’s Creative Problem Solving Model to Ecological Creative Problkem Solving Modelling Product Innovation Processes, from Linear Logic to Circular Chaos explains how companies with multiple NPD efforts and an internet R&D mentality can effectively hit a sweet spot of Creatgive NPD thus embracing both sides of the innovation coin.

Monday 9 June 2003

Entrepreneurial Radical Innovation. Building it within your SME

How to take your radical market changes to the market? A very hungry sales team specifically entrepreneurial push radically outweighs market pull and technology push models. Radical Product Innovations in SMEs -  The Dominance of Entrepreneurial Orientation. Demonstrates that it is a sales job no matter what. 

Monday 12 May 2003

The Last NPD mile: Innovation Interventionists errors & how to mitigate them.

In a recent Creativity and Innovation Management article we see the details of
The Last Stage of Product Development -  Interventions in Existing Operational Processes the mechanism of how to mitigate the interventionist push and alternative methods to smoothly transition between the stress of NPD push inititaves inside an organizaiotn and market uptake during new product initiatives. Simply: empathy for constant change – the anthesis of the wait and see what’s coming model of most firms.