Thursday 4 July 2019

Want Breakthrough Innovation In Your Company? Or Even Country? It's ALL Practices

Apparently “Culture eats strategy for breakfast”, a phrase originated by Peter Drucker and made famous by Mark Fields, President at Ford, however the more important question is why? Because an embedded culture is accepted where as strategy ( even when necessary and correct ) will often be fought and cause innovation to be killed as in one of the most famous examples with Kodak who 1st created the digital camera in 1975 and who never profited from it / dominated the market with it's technology. How can this be fixed ? Skunkwork Slingshots.

In "National Personality Profiles and Innovation: The Role of Cultural Practices"  we quickly learn that a negative national bias towards innovativeness virtually disappears as soon as national cultural practices are adopted and just how it worked in Singapore which went from a virtually unknown design and innovation economy in 2007 to being ranked 5th in 2017 from being ranked in the 20's only 10 years previously. After examining 33 countries, even this study might be limited given the 195 countries in the world today. however one might also guess that ANY effort where cash and resources are put towards something is where action happens. Not necessarily so and as in the case with Kodak and it's digital camera breakthroughs in 1975.

More specifically we see that national innovativeness is more closely related to cultural factors ( what is paid for and valued in the culture/country/company ) than to national personality profiles or a populations personal and individual profiles as people taken separately from their vocation, where time is spent and attitudes toward probably the most important factor: uncertainty avoidance correlated with high future orientation. Translation - do we see the same vision then innovation is assured and as in an excellent example Saudi Arabia's Vision 2030 started in 2016.

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Tuesday 4 June 2019

Diversity Matters And Diversity Determent - The Innovation Reality Lens

One of the most substantial underpinnings of interactions between diverse groups in organizations committed to specific goals is between the (a) "focusers" and (b) "electrons" and as related to this syntactically oriented quote from 'Including Diversity In Creative Teamwork In Design Education' stating: "Until (a) find a way to expose (b) to a meaningful range of culture, (b) will continue to speak in languages that only their ( b) [piers] understand." which illustrates what we are calling the Innovation Reality Lens.

By contrast The Reality Distortion Lens ( a phrase popularized by the capability of Steve Jobs from Apple Computing ) rather seeks to, with peers in organization O that when solution X, Y , or Z, is defined the solution will be judged the "best" by the pool of potential end users / purchasers but not necessarily within the content of an environment in which they currently reside. As design, engineering, innovation is not done for the purpose of art, rather completed for the purpose of ROI or expected optimization of outcomes from a pool of eventualities, if diversity leads to the increase of optimization, "success" is bestowed and diversity is a by product of inclusion. Drinking the KoolAid is simply the expectation.

As detailed in "Including Diversity In Creative Teamwork In Design Education"  we strangely ( and without inconsistent rarity in the real world ) see that "the [client's] approaches and knowledge domains were not salient or used constructively in the projects." or possibly ( and is often the case ) that the product produced was not for the client's environment, rather that external forces ( imposed by the environment at hand or dictated by a specific predetermined outcome that was to occur ) creates a disruptive innovation / creative destruction innovation situation. In the case of factory turnarounds and full scale firm changes, this is often the case, however there are simple solutions - a reality check with the outside world ala demand analysis - are the products wanted or not. 

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Friday 3 May 2019

When Design and Entrepreneurship Embrace, The Innovation Paradox Can Emerge

The perceived struggle between design, engineering, finance and their often well received love child, innovation is not a common roadblock to success for global organizations when balance and focus are carefully applied to what has been referred to as the product paradox.

The product paradox is not the same as The productivity paradox associated with when  more investment is made in information technology, worker productivity goes up assuming ( in recent years ) that a similar amount of innovation takes place. Although this may seem counter-intuitive we once again see in "Fostering Creativity in New Product Development through Entrepreneurial Decision Making" how, in reality, dealing with affectation ( or the balancing of goals and those around you vs a resources and constraints that have little chance of drastically changing ) and yet while ignoring causation will bring a much higher success rate in radical design, engineering, finance and thus innovation success. This means working on a "what we have done has created X and we must deal with it as it is now" limits the reality in which true major topological changes can be brought into the real world.

When design, engineering, finance and thus innovation are working together via the above, there is a substantially smaller chance for discontinuity and the Innovation Paradox to emerge  in organizations.

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Wednesday 10 April 2019

The Future of Design - Biomorphics Is Not Just For Specific Functional Behaviors

Technological generations and thus iteration come faster and faster and faster, not because of typical reproductive models but because one designer in Italy and another designer in China and another designer in Greenland can iterate in isolation and have yet still have specific impact on aesthetic output given independent environmental influences. Biomorphic computing is specific to a certain set of functional and behavioral capabilities given environmental influences and inputs that today don't have a direct impact to the world of design. However combining biomorphic computing with structural-behavioral-functional modeling may signal a radical change in what tools designers have access to in the near future.

We see this in the Design by Analogy to Nature Engine (DANE) System and as enumerated in DANE's library of about 40 structure–behavior–functions (SBF) from biological systems codified in 2010, and where 20 were purely biological processes. When combined with the 20 basic
biomorphic models from the SAPPhIRE system of causality an interesting capability arises. SAPPhIRE was initially created to to describe the structural and functional information of natural and technical / biological systems. More specifically it was created to show evidence based sequencing of physical phenomena that causes “functioning” system to operate. SAPPhIRE essentially emphasizes causal relationships among certain phenomena or processes that guarantee the delivery of a system function. Interestingly this is very similar to Object-Oriented Analysis and Data modeling In the design world and many 3D modeling tools that sprang from the above.

What is incredible to note however is how this directly applies to not only the functional capabilities of a desired system output but also how the aesthetic and visual design of specific objects and functional artifacts in an environment given environmental queues can be modified. Biomimicry and systems to which it can be applied have a capability far greater than just an biological output to achieved ( eg. Robotic arm manipulation ) where specific design directions can directly spring from initial states ( quick sketches ) and which directly effect the ROI of a firm can emerge. Translation: design one object by simple sketching curves and specifying materials and finishes and with a
biomorphic design engine connected to a 3D modeling system alter the entire design of ALL the objects in a room or system automatically to match the prevailing new sketches created. It's much closer than we think.

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Tuesday 5 March 2019

Perceived Value Is No Longer Just Perceived - The Case Of The Beautiful Toaster

With the ever expanding capability to inject an aesthetic vocabulary into designed products, it is no longer a confusion that consumer's level of "quality" can be a function of beauty for one simple reason. Language takes time to perfect and the flourishes of any language take time and effort - the mark of quality.

Interestingly, this all translates to a function of time and more specifically as detailed in "Consumer-Perceived Creativity and Beauty to Willingness-To-Pay For Design Products" we see the exact quotation of a rather large sample size statistical effort where the exact realization is that "consumers revealed that they were willing to pay about 55% more for a beautiful toaster with Similar results have been obtained with mobile phones" which intuitively we all know. However to see the exact details of how this can be created in exacting details we only need to look towards how "Logitech Quadrupled Its Profits With One Big Design Idea went from a company at the edge of a cliff to $2 billion a year firm when design became the key aspect of the firms capabilities when the CEO focused on making Logitech's R&D budget  more than $100M or almost 20% of the firm's total revenue: 7-9% more than the standard 11-13% of firm revenue normally used in very intensive R&D based firms such as Pfizer, Microsoft, Apple etc. and beautifully it paid off exactly as predicted.

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