Thursday, 16 February 2012

Power Pylon Design - The New Landscape of Britain?

How can design transform a country(side) in one motion? Bringing aesthetics as well as functional benefit to a truly worn out design but not necessarily a worn out function? Yes. The new Power Pylon design competition in Britain shows just that value.

A competition put on by the Royal Institute of British Architects, the Department of Energy shows just what can be done to move forward, utilize basic materials and make a substantial impact on the way design can transform a country(side)

Monday, 6 February 2012

Design Disruption shouldn't ignore Business Model Disruption

Design disruption is often a function of form, sometimes function and a lot of luck, but business model disruption has a much larger focus on full marketplace shift - if leaders are focused on it. In "Business Model Design: (a) Disruption Case Study" we see quite a few examples of how leaders can take on this challenge and embrace competitive advantage for their firms.

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