Thursday, 30 October 2014

What does it mean to design like the Swiss. This is what….

Cultural identity is not something that can be easily pinned down. Visual queues, color but hardly so simple as interaction. Braun can possibly be one of the easiest to pin down, MUJI is another possibility. But can a Swiss aesthetic be so carefully enumerated and identified.

20 Brilliant Examples Swiss Style Design

In a recent article “20 Brilliant Examples of Swiss Design” we see some possibilities and of course ways where it all goes wrong. Examples such as this 1984 book cover design can hardly be called “Swiss” however examples such at the Swiss Army mailer can’t be denied. How far must design go before cultural intersections are necessary?


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Wednesday, 22 October 2014

How sweet is design? 3D sugar sweet and here’s how it’s done

The speed of 3D design is rapidly turning the most mundane of experiences into the most exotic. Take for instance the ability of chefs to delight customers with culinary delights that before were only the domain of master chefs and world class confectioners – sculpture.

Now the capability to program and execute complex shapes and creations is just the cost of a small printer, some raw sugar, and a few hours per creation. In a recent article on confectionary 3D modeling we see the capability and future of simple programming.


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Thursday, 16 October 2014

Why is Design and Money Useful? ROI. Here's why....

There are only a few that can claim to wield the 3 primary disciplines for "innovation": business, engineering, and design and John Maeda is one of these people. How does he do it? By doing it.

Maeda is no newbie to the necessity of the 3 pillars of innovation: BED - Business Engineering and Design. Past Head of MIT Media Lab and RISD, now Venture Partner at Kliner Perkins, Maeda sits with the vocabulary of all three necessary disciplines to create market successful breakthroughs. In a recent Fast Company article Maeda talks about design "moving from being costly to being worth the cost" and therefore making money. Finally the US is realizing what Itlay has known since the dawn. Art has value. Described by Alberto Alessi in a similar Fast Company artlicle, Failure is Glorius and reverberated by Lisa X. Smith from Uniliever's Venture Labs at the True Start Venture Capital Converence the point is that design thinking, R&D and new product art all come together to produce incredible results. AirB&B being the perfect example or that of the new brand E-My by Guzzini. 

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