Tuesday, 31 May 2016

Smart Product Service Systems – A Design Necessity

Products and interconnected telecommunications components are forcing designer to further build ecosystems never previously required. But why?

The necessity for deign thinking to further incorporate the use of Google indexing and URL linkbacks and therefore unique URL’s is the basis for many design efforts as a mechanism to increase SEO and product interconnectedness and is today part of the standard designers toolbox when initial concept creation takes place. In The Design of Smart Product-Service Systems (PSSs): An Exploration of Design Characteristics we see additional possibilities for design interconnectedness and mechanisms used by engineering and business teams to bridge the gap between physical products and interconnected online services for the above purposes. 

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Tuesday, 24 May 2016

Product Appreciation Is Affected by Designers’ Intentions

Design has multiple facets that unlike other aspects of product creation ( such as engineering and business ) can directly effect the ecosystem and thus the end users emotional connection. Design is the story and the arc of what is held in the hand or observed with the eye. 

In the research behind Appreciation of Products Is Affected by Their Knowledge of the Designers’ Intentions we see the mechanisms for how designers craft the ecosystems surrounding their products and services. For instance, Design intention seems to influences the perception of  the  product,  enables  an  evaluation  of  the  intention  and  also  an evaluation of the product as a means to fulfill the intention which directly determines the interaction with what has been created. 

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Tuesday, 17 May 2016

Inspiration and Fixation – Unconscious Design Emerges

What is the reason for spontaneous fixation and innovation combustion? Unconscious Design 

The reality of design thinking can be identified and focused onto a multitude of factors but one which is consistently ignored is the function of spontaneous fixation. In Inspiration and fixation: Questions, Methods, Findings, and Challenges we see the mechanisms and possibilities to allow the unconscious models of design effect the tools that designers use and more importantly the possibility of breakthroughs happening. 

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Tuesday, 10 May 2016

iGNITIATE_Gregory_Polletta_Accountability and Design – Tools that Force Design

The fluidity of design can be limited by computers and the constraints devastating. What if there were another way. There is. 

In Accountability and Design we see the underpinnings of the mechanism for not being limited by computer and computational intensive toolsets thus limiting the creative process. Alternatives are discussed, tools are discussed and process reviewed. The implications are directly related to how designers in the future will be working together. 

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Tuesday, 3 May 2016

Collaborative Design Within Augmented Spaces – It’s coming so get ready.

Designers and engineers are constantly forced into situations where tools to create collaborative environments stop the flow of working due to complexity and clutter. How can this be addressed: Augmented spaces. 

In The Adaptability of Collaborative Design Within an Augmented Space we see the underpinnings of the mechanisms to alleviate clutter and distraction from the design element in order to focus more clearly on the details necessary to formally manufacture and produce high quality and specialized design products. Further mechanisms for implementing design specific techniques show the validity of Augmented design capabilities to further push design and manufacturing boundaries forward at a rapid pace. 

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