Monday, 6 January 2020

Creating Organizational Innovation Improvisation – Making The Flow Happen

The reality is that too often simple organizational experimentation for the purpose of streamlining or embracing advanced technological solutions requires the simplest of mental gymnastics in order to learn new ways of interacting with external forces both technological, financial, and especially design oriented. But how can complex organizations adapt at a pace that is consummate with the fundamental factor or change: usage?

In Forms, Metaphors, and Themes: An Introduction to the Special Issue on Organizational Improvisation we see some of the most fundamental efforts to map out and offer solutions to the biggest barriers to change along with simple and unexpected mechanisms that can make change happen quickly and many from a design centric methodology. Including gems such as dealing with ad-hoc response to circumstances; resistance behavior in the organizational under-life; a form of provocation; and a designed form of evolvability. We also see how improvisation when contextually sensitive and can be viewed as positive in one methodology but negative in another and how to leverage this distinction.

When utilized with specific internal design and engineering models for consummate focus with emerging technologies and social and visual queues, incredible results can take place in an ecosystem of rapid deployment of other emerging models to increase ROI when investors need be involved.   


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