Thursday, 15 July 2010

Attribute Domain Matrix Modeling - A Solid Reverse Engineering Method for Innovation


Innovations are rarely used in the manner that they are intended, often developments evolve into tools in unorthodox capacities. The author recommends TRIZ-oriented awareness in order to find alternative applications for innovations. Here’s how to make Attribute Domain Matrix Modeling work inside your organization.

Saturday, 5 June 2010

The Interaction Design Research Triangle: Design Practice + Design Studies + Design Exploration = ROI


The Interaction Design Research Triangle details the triangular interactive design approach Design Practice + Design Studies + Design Exploration as a mechanism to increase firm ROI by conducting research and interacting as whole. Offering a solution to design practices as it guides organizations with interface to industry, academia and the world at large it is an excellent framework and well established in the marketplace.

Wednesday, 12 May 2010

Art Games – Design’s Progenitors


Digital art has been an expanding field since the mid 1990s; however, it is now taking cues from the digital gaming industry. Though the use of complex algorithms and inspiration from gaming narratives, these new art forms are creating complex new digital environments. Where will be the boundaries between gaming and art in the future? Art Games gives a good indication of how it’s all evolving.

Saturday, 17 April 2010

Innovation Audits: Learning Tools for increased ROI


Though occasionally used, innovation audits are not a widely practiced trend. Innovation Audits: Learning Tools for increased ROI: A Case Study of Enhancing High-Involvement Innovation details the benefits of this practice and describes how they can be effectively used to improve innovation in small to medium sized companies as well as for educational processes to increase ROI. The whole point of design.

Monday, 1 March 2010

User Interface Design Principles for Interaction Design

 Advocating for effective interface design, User Interface Design Principles for Interaction Design makes it clear: new challenges in designing interface for the future (new technology, increase in diversity of users) creates and recommends new approaches to this growing field in design. A fully necessary read for those pushing the boundaries of new product development. 

Tuesday, 23 February 2010

Employee Creativity and R&D - Making it work for your Firm.


How does one quantify creativity in employees, especially in a research and development field? Employee Creativity and R&D details provides a framework of four complimentary critical approaches that evaluate creativity in the R&D context and how to push it further to the increased ROI of your firm.

Friday, 15 January 2010

Advantages of Open Innovation Practices in Corporate Venturing in Terms of Real Options


Want to increase ROI for your corporate venturing teams? Here is how open innovation especially in risk-laden activities can increase the benefit of bringing in business support in financial, technological ways as well as minimizes the financial risks. Advantages of Open Innovation Practices in Corporate Venturing in Terms of Real Options provides the tools for those individuals and NPD efforts or new entrepreneurial ventures inside your firm.

Sunday, 13 December 2009

Design Patterns for Cross-cultural Collaboration


Examining the cross-cultural collaborations in design education, especially in an Asia / Asia context and an Asia / Europe context Design Patterns for Cross-cultural Collaboration details clear empirical research for localized learning and discusses interactive learning spaces. Not just for educators, it is also pertinent for professionals who are considering cross-cultural working partnerships.

Monday, 2 November 2009

An HR guide to product engineering


How is it to deal with the complexities of product engineering from the human resources angle? Assessment of Product Engineering Creativity provides a framework in which to assess and evaluate them on a creativity and productivity level. A good guideline for ways to promote and recruit suitable candidates to improve departments and how to build a strong design team.

Saturday, 10 October 2009

Design — Indicating Through Signs

There are various approaches available in order to problem solve in design including HCI, SE and IS and Design — Indicating Through Signs gives a description of all of them all exploring the ways they differ at looking at design and naturally effecting ROI.

Sunday, 13 September 2009

Action Planning for New Product Development Projects: 54 examples


54 new product development projects are assessed and activities contained therein are measured them in both in-house development departments as well as design agencies to determine best practices for ROI. We see in Action Planning for New Product Development Projects that only a portion of these activities were used in order to develop a project and as such ROI streamlining can easily further increase client and employee value. An excellent system.

Wednesday, 12 August 2009

Full body scans and brain wave monitors: new tools for designers today? Yes. In real time? Absolutely.


Does Infrared Therography (IRT) successfully demonstrate stimulus cognitive tasks in the way that Electroencephalogram (EEG) ad Affective Self Report (ASR) does? Are these the new tools for todays designers? Yes. Comparing Thermographic, EEG, and Subjective Measures of Affective Experience During Simulated Product details how use of these tools are only the beginning of the process for these tools that designers, markets and advertisers are only now beginning to use. And with surprising results.

Sunday, 12 July 2009

What is socially acceptable design?

Interactive devices are a part of our day to day life and this article calls for improvement in implicit interaction design. The Design of Implicit Interactions - Making Interactive Systems Less Obnoxious details the interaction patterns and implicit interaction framework, for ways in which devices can improve interaction with the user. This is taking technology to a socially acceptable level and understanding how to push it even further.
