Wednesday, 10 June 2020

Multimodal R&D Environments Mean Increased Multidisciplinary Effectiveness

or R&D breakthroughs too many cooks in the kitchen do make the best soup imaginable.  More, it's the spatial relationship of the teams that actually have the most over arching effect, very similar to the way renaissance courtyards were constructed.

In "Design for Knowledge Exploration & Exploitation in R&D" we see how specific  spatial design is a strong tool for implementing specific workspace staging along the process chain of raw R&D to increase breakthrough probability. Via contextual ambidexterity, through different workspace designs co-located with different discipline and functional teams, even within the same office or laboratory environment, exploration and exploitation can be increased to foster organizational learning, and a consistent increase in breakthroughs for those involved.

More, what is ignored often is the simplicity of coordinating specific R&D activities with spatial queues to increase R&D effectiveness and the ramifications of modifying the R&D process windows to utilize the above to increase the likelihood of successful outcomes.

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Monday, 25 May 2020

When Open Innovation Means Closed Sessions Breakthroughs Happen

Over the years the notion of open innovation has taken on completely new meanings and in particular the fallibility of what complete openness in the innovation process entails and amounts to.  While the cause of openness can be socially ( media ) valuable the reality of the R&D model, and more importantly, a loose lips sink ships reality check is a factor not to be overlooked. When it comes to IP protection ( the main tenant in any true breakthrough innovation gambit ) the open innovation gauntlet ( if the sole process by which innovation at a firm is evaluated ) can be the death nail for any organization's train racing down this track.

Open innovation and specifically as described in  Open to a Select Few - Matching Partners and Knowledge Content for Open Innovation Performance - Using Explorative And Exploitative Knowledge we learn one of the most valuable lessons in creating breakthroughs and not just incremental enhancements: explorative knowledge efforts in often open formats negatively effects novelty and very limited effect on efficiency thus open innovation dilutes breakthrough efforts but increases social innovation for what that is worth, but more specifically where breadth has a negative effect on efficiency and limited effect on novelty with the reality check that unless novelty is turned to patented efforts, all is for not. Open Offense vs Deterministic Defense. Either way, value can be created, the only question is by who, and how fast. Breaking on through never looked so good for ROI radicals inside the most forward thinking companies.


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Thursday, 30 April 2020

Distance Does Not Mean Disruption But It Does Mean Dissemination Discipline

In one of the most detailed analysis pertaining to capabilities for engaging disparate groups in the focused effort of innovation creation and validation, Creating Ideas for Innovation – Effects of Organizational Distance on Knowledge Creation Processes” lays down the ground work for not only understanding that ( among other things ) the number of patents generated in a 12 months period can directly indicate how ideation output, in terms of “value” is inter-related with organizational focus and also in the way particular participants in the design and innovation process hold their distances from each other and the work they are focusing on. More, that whereas more radical innovations are furthered by weak ties, incremental innovations instead seem to benefit from stronger communication ties regardless inter and intra the organization in terms of the distance and organizational structure needed to see design and innovation through to its end goal: usage. Unseen communication between seemingly separate groups, individuals, and organisms are in fact not nearly as separate as one might think, and the numbers speak for themselves.

One possible way of making sense of these somewhat surprising observations is that there may be a need for stronger integration mechanisms that can help colleagues from different departments to overcome initial issues related to cognitive distance and something that we are surely seeing in these days of incredibly increased video conferencing activities.
In the end, what type of innovation is aimed for and which knowledge creation processes are most central for the corresponding ideation needs means increased success for the firm. Apples and trains only go together when it’s time to have pie in the dining car but not in apples to apples comparisons for when to you


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Monday, 9 March 2020

iGNITIATE - Making Radical Innovation Work

When it comes to breaking barriers not only for design, engineering and new product development efforts but the natural progression of innovation, the reality is that making radical innovation work requires the acceptance that the more central the efforts of R&D teams, the more likely that central motivation decreases.

In the very future forward focused work Diversified Knowledge, R&D Team Centrality and Radical Creativity we learn that while centralized networks are usually quite capable of creating and coordination for simple R&D based efforts and problem set, but where decentralized networks are more appropriate for complicated problems task centrality was not associated with group performance and thus higher team communication centrality decreases team members’ motivation for innovation and commitment meaning there is little reason to break barriers and push boundaries. While this might seem counter-intuitive and that group safety is much better suited to central and strong support capabilities we see in fact that more disperse the R&D activities are the more possibility for un-monitored experimentation can take place and thus breakthrough innovation can occur. 

While the above is often the basis for larger organizational concern, the numbers do not lie via a full analysis of 32 R&D teams across seven large international research institutions show how diversified knowledge positively affects team radical creativity and thus paired with a very strong NPD and deign team capability means diversified knowledge (team insiders and team outsiders ) are able to push radical creativity to surprisingly high levels thus increased value organizational growth.   


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Saturday, 8 February 2020

Innovation Subversiveness Means Stickiness Sensitivity

The innovation process means a lot of things to a lot of people but the underlying factor is change - change from a norm to a nuance or a never been seen before. The task of implementing emerging technologies and radical design is no different and when it comes to contracting, all bets are off. But are there other ways to see the light ?

It's often when collective efforts and informal, highly improvised efforts happening ‘below the radar’ that often offer viewports of opportunity to enable change and evolution. Emerging ‘shadow themes' offer alternative mechanisms for unexpected moments of interaction. Factors such as Local Interaction, In Charge But Not In Control, Spontaneity as Risky, and Shadow Theme involvement allow for more than the unexpected to emerge. In Innovation as Improvisation ‘In The Shadow’ we see many alternative factors as to how and why roadblocks for innovators can be overcome and even turned into a positive opportunity for additional breakthroughs to emerge. The whole point of the unexpected design turn of events and the hard fought research initiatives.


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Monday, 6 January 2020

Creating Organizational Innovation Improvisation – Making The Flow Happen

The reality is that too often simple organizational experimentation for the purpose of streamlining or embracing advanced technological solutions requires the simplest of mental gymnastics in order to learn new ways of interacting with external forces both technological, financial, and especially design oriented. But how can complex organizations adapt at a pace that is consummate with the fundamental factor or change: usage?

In Forms, Metaphors, and Themes: An Introduction to the Special Issue on Organizational Improvisation we see some of the most fundamental efforts to map out and offer solutions to the biggest barriers to change along with simple and unexpected mechanisms that can make change happen quickly and many from a design centric methodology. Including gems such as dealing with ad-hoc response to circumstances; resistance behavior in the organizational under-life; a form of provocation; and a designed form of evolvability. We also see how improvisation when contextually sensitive and can be viewed as positive in one methodology but negative in another and how to leverage this distinction.

When utilized with specific internal design and engineering models for consummate focus with emerging technologies and social and visual queues, incredible results can take place in an ecosystem of rapid deployment of other emerging models to increase ROI when investors need be involved.   


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