Tuesday, 19 June 2007

Pleasure in Design. And there’s ROI as well.


Using a large sample size Exploring Types and Characteristics of Product Forms explores the emotion and pleasure associated with design. It identifies 14 key characteristics, giving emphasis to aesthetics and bios in certain areas of design. An excellent framwork for NPD analysis and pushing design forward for ROI in your firm.

Friday, 11 May 2007

Why Design inter-firm modularity maters.


Inter-firm Modularity and Its Implications for Product Development details 3 challenges in product development revealing positive solutions that are somewhat counter to conventional managerial practices. A perfect example of how to navigate & enhance product performance for maximum ROI.

Friday, 20 April 2007

How to confirm product survival


Predictors of the Survival of Innovations details a ‘survival’ model for new product design and inventions. Through the identification of three key success factors: anticipation of demand, profitability, technological maturity it creates a formula for anticipated return of a product. Great for assessing the success of ideas and NPD efforts inside emerging firms.

Sunday, 18 March 2007

Eyes on the future prize for improved innovation performance.


By exploring the external management of medium-size manufacturing firms, Managing External Information in Manufacturing Firms: The Impact on Innovation Performance enumerated a model for awareness of technological sector and environment changes which have a positive result on innovation performance where as a focus on customers, suppliers and competitors had a negative impact. The result, keep your eye to the future and don’t get bogged down with what everyone else is doing.

Monday, 26 February 2007

Design Excellence and Brand Demand

Through the example of five wine firms, Managing the Design Innovation–Brand Marketing Interface: Resolving the Tension between Artistic Creation and Commercial Imperatives explores the tension between design excellence and brand management and how this interplay is resolved in marketing. Brand values are more important than scientific development and market knowledge.

Friday, 12 January 2007

What can robust design do for you? ROI

Robust design can provide flexibility and speed to bringing new product developments to the market.  By exploring the four capabilities of robust design: functional, aesthetic, technological, and quality-based, Exploring Robust Design Capabilities, Their Rolein Creating Global Products, and Their Relationship to Firm Performance argues for the strengths each provides in order to improve performance and potential for organizational response and gives a full explanation of the models and their uses. Excellent tools for the innovation vanguard.

Tuesday, 12 December 2006

Finding the balance with radical innovation

Through five case studies in radical innovation development, The Nexus of Corporate Entrepreneurship and Radical Innovation concludes that proactiveness, risk taking and autonomy are stimulants where as aggressiveness has a negative effect on development and performance. An excellent example and framework for Innovation and disruptive design launches.

Sunday, 5 November 2006

Making Technology Useful - A Design Model

How do you do this effectively? The Impact of User-Oriented Design on New Product Development -  An Examination of Fundamental Relationships details the impact of user-orientated design (UOD) in the new product development process and provides a comprehensive approach on how to use it. 

Friday, 20 October 2006

How to get "The Look" to increase design ROI

The Different Roles of Product Appearance in Consumer Choice explores product appearance in consumer choice by identifying six indicators for defining the aesthetic performance and testing them on target consumers.  These six indicators provide a useful tool for managers on how to use “the look”to position a product on the market and forecast optimal product performance. Tool-sets galore.

Saturday, 9 September 2006

Advocating the use of ATC in Product Design

How can you Link Marketing and Engineering Product Design Decisions viaAnalytical Target Cascading well here's how and the application of a new marketing method quantifier, analytical target cascading (ATC) to marketing and engineering design goals in order to forecast optimal product development decisions.  The conclusion is mixed but does suggest this adds another positive layer in making product design decisions. 

Friday, 18 August 2006

What is the cost of investing in discontinuous products? Missing the ROI boat

Rapid technological development has lead to a trend for discontinuous new products emerging on the market. The Roles of Marketing and Industrial Design in Discontinuous NewProduct Development explores the marketing and industrial development process for discontinuous innovations and concludes that it is an unconventional.  What's the end advice? managers must consider the implications in industrial design and marketing activities when developing discontinuous product and imbed in the process a full dose of design thinking for maximizing NPD efforts.

Tuesday, 18 July 2006

Good design = Profits. Period

Does Good Design Directly effect ROI? How could it not? The Impact of Industrial Design Effectiveness on Corporate Financial Performance quantifies the relationship between good industrial designto a companies financial performance.  Looking at past results as well as forecasting positive result pattern for seven-years, this is a strong argument for the investment in design in business.

Wednesday, 21 June 2006

Knowledge is the missing link to deisgn success

Innovation is imperative in high-technology sectors, but beyond this what leads to success?  High-Technology Service Innovation Success: A Decision-MakingPerspective concludes that that there is a positive correlation between knowledgeable decision maker within an organization as well as conscientious intelligence gathering on customers and technology.