Thursday 18 December 2014

Utilizing Design Knowledge for Fostering Innovation

Why do some firms succeed in launching game changing products and services? How can any firm learn to do the same. In “Design as a knowledge agent How design as a knowledge process is embedded into organizations to foster innovation” we see the entire process outlined and detailed and to understand the mechanisms and details of how Italian firms have done this for centuries.


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Thursday 4 December 2014

How Stanford and SRI Deliver the Greatest Design Breakthroughs

It isn’t too hard to see how epicenters push shockwaves to lower lying areas and then reflect back along the lowest point and shortest possible route and exactly similar to the way Stanford interacts with Silicon valley design leaders. In a recent article SRI’s Curt Carlson Wrote the Book on Innovation we see the absolute basics and fundamentals of how SRI has moved breakthroughs to the market faster than any other Silicon Valley long view firm. Regardless of model, it’s Curt’s simple and direct mechanisms that have allowed this to create consistent output outpacing the market.


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Friday 28 November 2014

Implementing Innovation – Spaghetti on the Ceiling Doesn’t Fly

How often does a product or service make it out of the boiling water and onto the plate? Much more than one might expect when put in context of typical entrepreneurial and commercialization analysis. In a recent study called, “Implementing Innovation and Technical Change” we see that in design and new product development 31% of rojects were cancelled before completion, 3% had overrun their costs and
budgets, and only 12% of 3,682 rojects surveyed were on-time and on budget. More revealing were which of these were breakthrough and industry changing – more than expected when utilizing specific sketch to ship disruptive design and new product development techniques.


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