Monday, 21 July 2014

Small Innovations via International Verrified Manufactuers? As easy at 1,2, Scotland

How many manufacturing directories are there? 1000's. Alibaba possibly the most comprehensive for China. But what if you're not producing millions of units of X how do you find partners? Scotland has the answer. 

 Earlier in the year, a new directory, Make Works, opened it's door with a substantial way to find top end manufacturers for small batch manufacturing. In fact, the site is quite a substantial resource for Scotland wide manufacturing and not only for small batch runs. On the heels of ETSY announcing Manufacturing Ties we see a shift to demand based not only on design and makers but in-country resources allowing small makers to retake the retail to manufacturing windows. 

Well described in the Scholarly Journal Economics of Innovation and New Technology article "The Relationship Between Firm Size and Innovation Activity" we see the correlation and mechanisms for breakthroughs to happen and via the Make Works site we see a simple example of this with full resources, video's interviews and details to break the standard value chain establishing a tremendous possibility for retailers to re-engage small run capabilities allowing not normally known designers, and sellers to get goods to market that are heads and tails above Gucci and Prada for uniqueness and at a price consumers can handle. 

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