Thursday, 29 February 2024

When Consensus is Conceded Innovation Isn't Interrupted

What is the biggest hurdle for innovation to overcome? Consistent convergence. But how in the face of constant concern, even when it's concern for what has already been done, when it's still said it can't be done ? Here's how.

iGNITIATE - When Consensus is Conceded Innovation Isn't Interrupted

Design, Design Thinking, Design Futures, Detailed Design and Design Engineering is, together, the basis for, and most flexible tools of, constraint based morphing of input parameters into working end solutions. In other, what could be considered " unhelpful ways " we separately see the advent of Ai capabilities ( and especially as related to non-physics based output ) which can turn just about anything ( image and video wise ) into anything else and connect them together. It is here that the terms " hallucinations " for given data output from search engines / search engine data comes into being. It is also here where these Ai systems output demonstrate that the fundamental vocabulary ( and specifically via the multitude of search engine URL results produced ) can easily become obsurified and more, where In the past we saw a ( roughly ) well documented history of where data " results " came from, where now however the tables have completely turned. But how? And how can we utilize this for the further efforts of innovation activities ?

In the past the idea of innovation ( and again from the root definition of the word enumerated by Schumpeter ) we see that invention (conceiving a new idea or process - that works on a lab bench and as governed by the laws of physics ), turns into innovation (arranging the manufacturing and producibility requirements for implementing an invention - and where Schumpeter seems to have just redefined entrepreneurship in his original description ), and onto diffusion (whereby people observing the new discovery adopt [ purchase via entrepreneurship ] or imitate [ by copying to also sell for their own ] where Schumpeter has it correct ) seems now to have been upended. Ai and specifically generative Ai ( in many forms ) lets anyone jump right from invention to an infinite number of diffusions ( and call them all new ), and, at the expense of perpetuating concern for adoption which in fact is the exact limiter to innovation as discussed above. That which is not known for long enough to be encoded with the guise of safety is quite [ as the baby is ] often thrown out with the bathwater as the saying goes and where innovation fails.

When time frames for diffusion ( as in the above definition ) are extended and slowed down, when users are unable to discern viability and usability easily, it is here that the limiting factor to uptake is effected and thus barriers are further created that is at the constant forefront of innovation efforts. It is here where it is necessary to diverge from Schumpeter's definition of " innovation " as the entrepreneurial process, and, a more accurate form of the definition of innovation comes into play: the effort of diluting and dispersing concern so as to actually reach consistent consensus and thus increasing the capability for value in a new something to take hold. Simple examples are that of the Xerox / xerography photo copying system started several years before 1938 when the technology was finally made to " work " in 1938 and thus the lab science / bench science invention phase was completed. It wasn't until 1944 that it was " noticed " as important and where it took until 1948 where it was deemed a " successful " development effort ( most likely due to the innovation phase to be able to work within the context of a large manufacturable manner was completed ) and yet not available for sale until 1950, possibly 15 years after it's conception, design and initial " working " mode. It is here we see the efforts of consistent consensus even after the math and physics were validated. Was it consensus pressures leading groups to reject this useful ( and thus patentable ) idea rather than move forward with them the issue? In many cases absolutely and as detailed in Greater Variability In Judgements Of The Value Of Novel Ideas in Nature Magazine. How then can these situations be mitigated so as to close such gaps in a better way? Interestingly it is as simple as unwavering concession.

Design and thus it's constraint based counterpart, concession, is inherently limited by ( as in the case case of raw physics ) the necessity that some configurations of materials cannot operate in a way that may have been initial conceived - " there are somethings you just can't make plastic do " as Steve Jobs famously said. However when it's possible to keep 5000 things in play at the same time and still be able to reach functionality that increases usability and within the context of efficient manufacturability we see 2nd order breakthroughs / usability and the elevation of concern happen. And, it is this relentless process of configuring and re-configuring constraints that ultimately allows innovations to persist in the face of " concern " being often veiled within individual confidences of need that may not ( and often are not ) a form of the actual evolution of innovation to be addressed and delivered upon. Regardless these hurdles cannot be ignored and thus it's Design, Design Thinking, Design Futures, Detailed Design and Design Engineering the bring about the quickest convergence capability to occur.


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Wednesday, 31 January 2024

MemRistors + MemGTP + MemOS Might Mean MemInnovation

With ( possibly ) mathematically, the most radical technological upheaval in adoption that humanity has seen, Ai is poised to make MemInnovation happen shortly. Can such a thing be said ? Yes.

iGNITIATE : MemRistors + MemGTP + MemOS Might Mean MemInnovation

Via the creation and culmination of years of research into non-silicon and semi-silicon chip fabrication designed brain like, neuronal processor and processing technology, and as detailed in Dynamical Memristors For Higher-Complexity Neuromorphic Computing we see the capability that now ( and even in some software systems alone ) full personalized AI with long-term memory ( thus the 3rd self ); self-editing memory; infinite context windows; access to unlimited data; customizable tools; and thus, essentially, long-term memory is already here. With the stitching together of technologies such as MemRistors / Neuromorphing computing and interfaces such as MemGTP a new fabric of systems and what is being called MemOS and thus gtpOS or as referenced in the past the idea of an ownable version of The Third Self has come into usability in it’s early forms. Think the 1st version of Douglas Engelbart’s ” The Mother of All Demos ” or Xerox PARC’s Alto GUI that made it’s way into the creation of the 1st Mac computers by Apple.

With the specific ability of MemRistors + MemGTP + MemOS to move designer and innovation practitioners into a capability can that can be considered MemInnovation, we see the further the capability of participatory innovation & generative design system can directly effects the way advanced R&D and design efforts evolve. More specifically when non-linear and novel technological and design centric integration takes place Skunkworks models of R&D, innovation and design efforts can evolve at a pace faster than the technology produced – all due to the design oriented aspect of the technology. In this case there is the possibility to say that systems and technologies such as MemRistors + MemGTP + MemOS create integrations, platforms, that perform, essentially, second order derivative thus almost creating a rate of change to find ( utilize ) the acceleration of an object ( when velocity – the uptake of such specific technologies ) are given by first derivative.

Further in Disruptive Science Has Declined – Even As Papers Proliferate in Nature magazine, and with an incredible sample size of 45 million manuscripts along with utilizing the data from 3.9 million patents we see the notion ( where the long held bastion of what is determined to be ” innovative ” ) that converging technologies such as MemRistors + MemGTP + MemOS even more rapidly than before are pushing out the notion ( and acceptance ) of what is disruption and thus true innovation. Where this then becomes particularly interesting is the way in which firms that are investing in said patents almost to create an unbreakable ( if Patented fast enough ) barrier to creativity as thus inadvertently discouraging radical design and innovation efforts unless the value of the output to the larger owned system takes place and which is of incredible value to the firms that focus on the creation and use of such efforts. Thus the idea of ” innovation is dead, long live innovation ” is fully rooted in the development of Neuromorphic Computing / MemRistors + MemGTP + MemOS and which is here / right around the corner.


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Saturday, 30 December 2023

Does Ai Enabled Design Re-Imaginations Mean Instant Innovation ?

Re-Imaginations ( Ai or not ) drive ROI when Innovation is Integrated. Here's how....

When the nature of breakthroughs is a direct function of measurable firm impact, a key variable of patience is often overlooked but more specifically often not factored into what we might call the bamboo delta - the time difference between the start of an unknown internal growth cycle necessary before a massive and overwhelming growth stage takes place similar to the way bamboo seems to be completely dormant and then grows at such a radical pace it could be considered to the uninitiated other worldly, in many cases with bamboo shoots growing at 5.5 inches per hour or almost 1mm every 90 seconds.

 Where typical Innovation efforts ( often realistically defined at NPD or New Product Development work ) look to have an output measure of dynamic technological capabilities, when firms undertaking either radical product innovation, radical process innovation, or both and are often measured against domestic patent applications only ( but not necessarily being granted / assignment said patents ) or as marked by industry awards ( in the case of design and manufacturing awards ) a specific form of balance can be missed: the re-interpretation / re-imagination of internal firm capability to in fact, push out ( and deliver utility ) before the acceptance of said " innovation " becomes known. But how?

Via a focus on Dynamic capabilities to mean the collective capacities to learn and adapt ( within the firm ) with the help of dynamic competencies ( i.e., individuals' abilities to learn and solve problems where a system of stated or unstated champions inside an organization assist with this effort is grown and supported ) is where innovation aggressive firms are able to be "visionary" enough to perceive opportunities which necessitate investment in knowledge-intensive strategies through the R&D process, and which ( when focused properly ) allow for the development of knowledge and investigation internally that is also absorbed from the outside so that when it comes time for incredible & rapid growth the firm / organization / individuals are ready for that zeitgeist to begin.

Simultaneously making sure that employees who are capable of re-designing, using, applying, re-configuring and producing for firm's products and technologies ( when they are ready ) are also the ones that often take leadership stakes in said radical efforts before a firm approves them. Oddly where this does not seem to be year or country dependent, and as detailed in Competencies, Innovation And Profitability Of Firms we can see how the exact definition of Innovation ( a radical breaking from an accepted inter or intra firm / organizational norm ) can directly impact firm performance if an only if firms are prepared from a sub-culture perspective to allow such radical growth to take place.

We see this even more specifically where the effectiveness of process innovators is more affected by a firms / organizations influence ( the more influence that a firm or organization has the more easily they find value in new and interesting ways of working with their clients and the design process ) where physical ( and in some cases digital ) product intensive innovation means that research skills ( including end user focused feedback and iterative manufacturing efforts ) are key factors to the optimization necessary for sustained radical efforts. This is further seen in the most recent Ai enabled design re-imagination capabilities where new functionalities and empowerment do not mean instant innovation ( and by the exact definition of innovation ) however where new Ai capabilities ( and especially due to the nature of physical iterative manufacturing ) means the digital realm continues to be turbocharged thus the nature of making radical breakthroughs is happening at an even more accelerated pace.


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Thursday, 30 November 2023

With Just Cardboard, Creative Convergences Can Coalesce

When disperse ideas need to be made real, it's the time for creative convergence, but how? Here's one of many ways.

In the example of " the card board computer " of Ehn and Kyng a matchbox represented a mouse, a cardboard box was a laser printer and a piece of paper taped to the wall was a computer screen and as detailed in Cardboard Computers: Mocking-it-up or Hands-on the Future and which created rapid creation, discussion, modification and conclusions took place ( and separate from an empathy focused, design thinking system ) which in many cases does not allow for almost instant movement from possible thought to " workable " futures but rather where consensus can leads.

A constantly evolving ( and in the hands of skilled designers ) mechanism to increase discussion and nonlinear generativeness might mean conversational systems with interdependent and addressable ( by text or voice or other input ) toolsets ( Ai ) means new integrated mechanisms ( in the same way the T-Splines system connected points on a 3D modeling systems curves for advanced surface manipulation ) will allow for conceptual idea stretching and pulling to take place and in the very near future. In this way designer’s contribution[s] ( or via an Ai augmented system) can challenge how scientist[s] with tacit and explicit capability can move research forward to where designers have an ability to work with and can re-frame representations of what might be possible thus providing ( and as seen in Design Inquiry Tacit Knowledge and Invention ) a new and valuable toolset for change is possible.

The coming ( but realistically here already ) Ai enabled environments for not only designers ( but soon to be engineers and finance professionals ) means that the ways that we investigate, pre-test and mock-up ( read work with that which isn't even real yet ) systems and possibilities is rapidly evolving at an incredible pace. Now the only question is how fast can designers, engineers and finance professionals adopt these systems in order to usher in the next generations of products and services which have yet to be captured.


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Monday, 30 October 2023

Fluidity & Functionality - Syncing Skunkworks Singularities

When pursuing " the impossible " fluidity is the key to breaking the barriers of " it can't be done " Here's how.

With the notion of what we are calling ' design serendipity ' we see the clear reality of doing the impossible means addressing the direct function of non-linear environmental factors: timing. In this, when what " can't be done " is clearly balanced against environmental forces, greater synergies from skunkworks outputs and artifacts of multiple ( and possibly initially unconnected ) Skunkworks efforts means later, manufacturing & production innovations can in fact take place. This is also where design itself directly effects specific organizational changes and without organizational changes, it's highly unlikely that breakthrough innovations make it: simply if you can't see what might be possible and balanced against acceptable realities and time-frames then success will not come easily.

We can see this readily where design methods can be a direct catalyst of change, and through visualization and tangible artifacts, when design leads first to the destabilization of habits, and where when designers have the potential to intervene and can inspire a shift in systems through future restabilization as the challenges caused by science-driven linear thinking pushes against a non-linear process of working and " possibles " and this is the heart and soul of where skunkworks efforts take hold. Think of the movie " Ready Player One " and the oncoming effects of AR, & VR systems when projected and timed properly with user acceptance more and more usability becomes effortless.

Articulated in a way that details the nuances of how this is accomplished and also the way to implement this in the real world, we see glimpses of how innovation and combined skunkworks models applies to high energy plasma physics and the mechanical design efforts in this field in works such as  An Overview of Tokamak Alternatives in the US Fusion Program with the Aim of Fostering Concept Innovation and the writing of Bijl-Brouwer where the ideas of transdisciplinary design make it more clear: possibilities are able to be utilized when non-standard ways of thinking are allowed to be productized and implemented in creative and design centric ways. Excellent food for thought with insights to the ways see how alternative mechanisms for bringing future technology into the real world is accomplished.


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